Saturday, November 19, 2011

Such A Lovely Lineup!!!

Hello Lovers!

The lineup for December 7th's Giggle-n-Grind is AMAZING. Clearly I'm serious, I just used all capital letters.  Are you ready for this? I'm not going to give it to you slow, I'm going to give it to you all at once.  Do you think you can handle my entire lineup, all at once?  It's a big one...

Lucky DeLuxe
Clownvis Presley
Ian Harvie 
Shawn Pelofsky 
Bobbie Burlesque
Dava Krause
Bella Luna
Kasey Rose
Brett Loudermilk
Richard Bain
Kristine Levine 
Heather Henderson
and an unnamed Special Guest (whom I LOVE)

Are you fucking kidding me?  Look at that lineup! That lineup just bent you over and took what it wanted! That lineup just left you breathless and satisfied.  That lineup is not the marrying type, it is the type you think about after you get married, while you're banging your boring spouse.  That lineup is what you know you could've been, if you weren't so scared to live, really live.
That lineup is one you should not miss.  Google them, I dare you.
Performer Previews starting soon...

Buy tickets now, using the link below.
Try using the promo codeword *giggle*, it might just get you a half-price discount...


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Get Ready!!!