Lucky's DeLuxe Giggle-n-Grind is a burlesque-based variety show produced and mostly hosted by Lucky DeLuxe. Featuring "The Greatest Hits In Tits & Bits", each show is a fresh medley of beloved performers. Each show has comedy, burlesque striptease, variety acts and original audience participation games and prizes.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Here's the correct link for advanced tickets for Saturday's Giggle-n-Grind at the Hollywood Improv (in the Lab):
Use the promo code "GIGGLE" for 1/2 price tickets!
It's going to be a hot show, featuring:
Lucky DeLuxe
Clownvis Presley
Lady Scoutington
Dave Sirus
Sheila Starr
Kasey Rose
Scarlett O'Keljus
Rye Silverman
and more...
Use the promo code "GIGGLE" for 1/2 price tickets!
It's going to be a hot show, featuring:
Lucky DeLuxe
Clownvis Presley
Lady Scoutington
Dave Sirus
Sheila Starr
Kasey Rose
Scarlett O'Keljus
Rye Silverman
and more...
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
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