Wednesday, March 16, 2011

New Additions!

Good Morning, Lovely Giggle-n-Grinders!

What a busy week!  In between performing, drinking lethal amounts of coffee and not getting laid, I've been making preparations for my trip back to PDX.  
I am very pleased to announce 2 new additions to my Portland Giggle-n-Grind lineup: comedian Whitney Streed, and musician Autry!  

I've known Whitney for a while, she is truly a treat.  With fantastic stage presence, as well as a good grip on the funny, she makes me smile every time I see her.  I'm very, very happy to have her on the show.  I love Whitney!  
Check her out:

The next new addition is a musician named Autry.  A Portland friend referred me to her, I checked out her YouTube channel ( and fell in love!  She is innovative and fun, and a perfect addition to my show.  
Her originals are great, check out this video:  
Now, check out this cover:  Hell yes.   

So the cast of Lucky's DeLuxe Giggle-n-Grind is: comedians Kristine Levine, Whitney Streed, and Richie Stratton;  bump-n-grinders Frankie Tease, Burk Biggler, and Lucy O'Rebel; the pop-n-lock comedy of breakdancing comic Den-Den Willy-D; the harmonious hits of musician Autry; and the Marvelous Magic of Mr. & Mrs. Wonderful.  All pulled together in a pretty little package by your loving host Lucky DeLuxe (aka Susanna Lee).

I'd love a nice, big audience for this show.  My performers and I are working hard to thrill you to the very core of your bones, and I want everyone's hard work to be rewarded.  Some of Portland's media has been a little less than supportive, less than helpful in getting the word out.  So do me a favor and tell a friend.  Send a link to to your loved ones.  Come to the show.  You can pre-purchase tickets at Harvey's Comedy Club; contact them at 503-241-0338, or

See you soon!

P.S. Here's a little Wednesday bonus for you: one of my videos, actually shot at Harvey's:

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